Free schema generator tool to easily create and implement structured data markup on your website, enhancing your SEO efforts and improving your site's visibility in search results.

  • FAQ Schema FAQ Schema
  • Breadcrumbs icon Breadcrumbs
  • Product icon Product
  • localbusiness icon Local Business
  • organization icon Organization
  • www icon Website
  • How-To icon How-To
  • Jobposting icon Job Posting
  • Article icon Article
  • Person icon Person
  • video icon Video
  • recipe icon Recipe
  • Event icon Event

FAQ Schema Generator

Add Your Question(s) Here

Generated FAQ Schema JSON-LD

Copy Code, After Adding Details

Product Schema Generator JSON-LD

Product Details

Offer Details

Aggregate Rating


Generated Product Schema

Copy Code, After Adding Details

Article Schema Generator JSON-LD

Article Details

Generated Article Schema

Copy Code, After Adding Details

Event Schema Generator JSON-LD

Event Details

Generated Event Schema

Copy Schema, After Adding Details

Schema code copied to clipboard!

Recipe Schema Generator JSON-LD

Recipe Details

Nutrition Information

Aggregate Rating

Generated Recipe Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

Website - Sitelinks Searchbox Schema Generator JSON-LD

Website - Sitelinks Searchbox Details

Generated Sitelinks Searchbox Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

HowTo Schema Generator JSON-LD

How-to Details


Generated How-to Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

Job Posting Schema Generator JSON-LD

Job Posting Details

Generated Job Posting Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

Organization Schema Generator JSON-LD

Organization Details

Contact Point

Generated Organization Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

Person Schema Generator JSON-LD

Person Details

Social Profiles

Generated Person Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

Video Schema Generator JSON-LD

Video Details

Generated Video Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

Local Business Schema Generator JSON-LD

Local Business Details


Generated Local Business Schema

Copy Schema After Adding Details

header curve line

What is Schema Markup?

Schema markup is a form of structured data that acts as a universal language for search engines, helping them better understand and interpret the content on your website. Structured Data Markup standard is developed through a collaborative effort by major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Yandex.

By implementing schema markup, you can help search engines better interpret the content with detailed, machine-readable information. This enhanced understanding allows search engines to present your content more effectively in search results, potentially improving visibility and click-through rates. Structured data markup can be applied to various types of content, from articles and products to local businesses and events. It helps search engines understand not just what your content says but what it means. For example, it can differentiate between an apple as a fruit and Apple as a technology company.

What is Schema JSON-LD?

JSON-LD, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is the recommended format for implementing schema markup. It's a lightweight, easy-to-read method of structuring data that can be seamlessly created and added to the HTML of your web pages.

Google recommends implementing structured data markup in JSON-LD format for several reasons:

  1. Ease of implementation: JSON-LD can be added directly to your HTML's <head> section, making it easier to implement and manage than other formats like Microdata or RDFa.
  2. Reduced risk of errors: Since JSON-LD is separate from your visible content, there's less risk of accidentally breaking your website's layout or functionality when adding or modifying schema.
  3. Better readability: JSON-LD is more human-readable than other formats, making it easier for developers to understand and work with.
  4. Dynamic injection: JSON-LD can be dynamically injected into web pages using JavaScript, allowing for more flexible implementation, especially for sites with dynamic content.

Here's a simple example of how JSON-LD structured data markup looks:

                        <script type="application/ld+json">
                        "@context": "https://schema.org",
                        "@type": "LocalBusiness",
                        "name": "Acme Co.",
                        "description": "The best widgets in town!",
                        "url": "https://www.example.com",
                        "telephone": "+1-123-456-7890",
                        "address": {
                            "@type": "PostalAddress",
                            "streetAddress": "123 Main St",
                            "addressLocality": "Anytown",
                            "addressRegion": "ST",
                            "postalCode": "12345",
                            "addressCountry": "US"

It provides search engines with clear, structured information about a local business, including its name, description, contact details, and address.

Types of Schema

Schema Markup is available for numerous types of entities. Each type is designed for specific content types or business needs; here are the most commonly used schema types:

+FAQ Schema

FAQ schema markup is used for pages that contain a list of questions and answers. It's an excellent way to enhance your visibility in search results and potentially appear in the coveted "People Also Ask" section. Use our schema FAQ generator for FAQ pages, product pages with frequently asked questions, or any page with a Q&A section.

Know more about FAQ Schema

+Breadcrumb Schema

Breadcrumb schema helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website. This schema type enhances the appearance of your site's listing in search results by displaying the hierarchical path to the current page. Implement breadcrumb schema on all website pages to show each page's position in the site hierarchy.

Know more about Breadcrumb Schema

+Product Schema

Product schema is crucial for e-commerce websites but can also be used for any website offering products. Providing detailed information about a specific product improves the rich snippets appearance of your products in search results, including price, availability, and user ratings. With our product schema generator, you can implement product schema on e-commerce product pages or any page featuring a product.

Know more about Product Schema

+Local Business Schema

Local business schema is essential for businesses with a physical location or those serving a specific geographic area. It helps your business appear in local search results, and Google Maps gives you a competitive edge. Implement local business schema for any business with a physical location or serving a specific geographic area.

Know more about Local Business Schema

+Organization Schema

Organization schema provides comprehensive information about a business or organization. It can help establish your brand's identity in search results and contribute to knowledge panel displays. Implement organization schema on the homepage or about page of any business or organization website. Our schema organization generator can create a schema for any type of organization.

Know more about Organization Schema

+Website Sitelink Search Box Schema

The sitelink search box schema allows you to display a search box directly in your website's search result, enabling users to search your site without having to navigate it first. Implement this schema on the homepage of websites with a functional search feature to find information on your website.

Know more about WebSite Schema

+Job Posting Schema

Job posting schema is useful for websites publishing job listings. It helps appear in Google's job search experience, potentially increasing visibility to job seekers. Job posting structured data ensures that all the relevant information about the job appears in SERPs. Implement this schema on website pages featuring job postings.

Know more about JobPosting Schema

+HowTo Schema

HowTo schema is used for content that provides step-by-step instructions on accomplishing a specific task. Implement this schema on pages that offer instructional content, such as DIY guides, recipes, or any step-by-step process.

Know more about HowTo Schema

+Article Schema

Article schema provides information about news articles, blog posts, or other written content. With our article schema markup generator, you can easily create schemas for any type of article. Implement this schema on pages containing articles, news stories, or blog posts.

Know more about Article Schema

+Person Schema

Person schema provides information about an individual, such as their name, job title, and contact information. This schema is useful for personal profile pages, author bios, or staff directories.

Know more about the Person Schema

+Event Schema

Event schema provides information about upcoming events, including concerts, webinars, and conferences. Event firms, concert organizers, and other agencies use our event schema generator to easily generate this schema markup. Implement this schema on pages promoting or describing events.

Know more about Event Schema

+Recipe Schema

Recipe schema is valid for webpages providing detailed information about food recipes, including ingredients, preparation time, and nutritional information. Implement this schema on pages featuring recipes or cooking instructions.

Know more about Recipe Schema

+Video Schema

Video schema provides information about video content, including its duration, thumbnail, and upload date. Ranklogs video schema generator can create JSON LD schema for any video type. Implement this schema on pages featuring video content.

Know more about Video Schema

Benefits of Adding Schema Markup

Not just appearance in the rich snippets, implementing schema markup on your website can provide numerous benefits:

  1. Boosted Search Results Presence: Schema markup enables rich snippets in search results, including additional information like ratings, prices, or availability. It can improve click-through rates by providing additional information about the pages in the results.
  2. Improved SEO: While not a direct ranking factor, schema markup helps search engines understand your content better, potentially leading to improved rankings for relevant queries.
  3. Voice Search Optimization: As voice search becomes more prevalent, structured data helps virtual assistants provide more accurate answers to voice queries.
  4. Better User Experience: Rich snippets directly provide users with more information in search results, helping them make informed decisions before clicking through to your site.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Many websites still don't use schema markup, so implementing it can give you an edge over competitors in search results.

How to Add Schema Markup to Webpages?

Adding JSON-LD schema markup to your webpages is simple. Here is the step-by-step guide for adding schema to pages:

  1. Choose Your Schema Type: Determine which schema types are most relevant to your content. Adding the wrong schema type can have an unintended impact on your SEO efforts.
  2. Generate the Markup: Use the Ranklogs Schema Generator tool to easily create the appropriate JSON-LD code. Our free tool supports all types of schemas.
  3. Test Your Markup: Don't forget to test the schema code for validity or missing fields before implementing the JSON-LD. Use Google's Structured Data Testing Tool or Rich Results Test to ensure your markup is valid and error-free.
  4. Add to Your Website: Insert the JSON-LD script into the <head> section of your page HTML code.
  5. Monitor Performance: Use Google Search Console to track how your structured data is performing in search results.

Ranklogs Schema Generator - Boost Your SEO with Structured Data

Ranklogs Schema Generator is a free, user-friendly tool designed to help you create accurate and valid schema markup without coding knowledge.

Simply select the type of schema you want to generate from the available options. Add the required information in the provided fields. The schema generator tool will guide you through the necessary inputs for your chosen schema type. Once the code is generated, copy the code the code and paste it into the <head> section of your HTML.

By utilizing the Ranklogs Free Schema Generator, you can easily create and implement structured data markup on your website. Combine schema markup with high-quality content for a solid technical SEO strategy.